Freedom in Christ Discipleship Course
9:00 - 11:00 a.m.
Sign Up
If you are interested in the class or just have questions, you can contact the instructor using the form at the bottom of this page.
Class: Freedom in Christ Discipleship Course
Teacher: Ruth Smith
Starts: Sept. 20th Ends: Dec. 6th Meeting: Every Tues @ 9-11 a.m.
This course, taught by experienced teacher, Ruth Smith, is open to all Christian women who are seeking to become a fruitful disciple to make their life count! It has been an effective resource for Christians of all backgrounds, from those who have been believers for many years to those who are brand-new followers of Jesus. It is designed to help you break through to a greater level of spiritual maturity, uncover any areas of deception holding you back, resolve personal and spiritual conflicts, learn strategies to renew your mind and break free from negative thinking and unhelpful patterns of behavior.
Required Materials:
Freedom in Christ Participant’s Guide
$8.99 paperback at Amazon
The Steps to Freedom in Christ
$6.19 paperback at Amazon
Optional Materials:
The Discipleship 4-Pack