Fit 2 Lead


Leadership training program meant to unite the leaders of our church by growing and spiritually working out together. This is not a 1- or 2-year program that would be typical of an academic setting. Instead, this is ongoing discipleship-based relationships meant to grow spiritually “young men” and “fathers” as described in 1 John 2:12-14.


Those desiring to become ministry leaders.




The primary role of a pastor is to feed and care for Jesus’ sheep (Jn 21:15-17). At the very heart of tending the sheep is the goal of making mature disciples of all members in their care, so they in-turn will also make disciples.

Pastors alone cannot bear the sole weight of this responsibility, and attempting to do so, with a desirable “feed me” congregation, would prove disastrous to everyone involved. Thus, we include effective programs and groups of people, so all of Christ Community can be one living, disciple-making organism. We offer Sunday worship, Life Groups, women’s, men’s, and youth ministries just for this purpose.

Along these lines, the pastors of Christ Community especially desire to come alongside and disciple those men and women of the church who are leading ministries or have a desire to lead a ministry. These leaders will then be able to effectively make disciples under themselves as well.

Every church ministry should be founded on soul-care in order to fulfill the Great Commission to make disciples (Matt 28:18-20). This means that all ministry leaders should desire to have this foundation built up in themselves first. It is not enough for our leaders to be in charge of people serving people. They must be what they want others to be. It is said that…

  • You can’t lead where you don’t go
  • You can’t teach what you don’t know
  • You can’t give what you can’t show (by your lifestyle)

Leading, teaching, and showing is how Jesus discipled His twelve, and it is how our pastors seek to make leaders in their own homes first, and then in our church as well.

To this end, the pastors of Christ Community seek to mimic Jesus to…

  • Lead our current and future ministry leaders into serving others effectively.

Mk 6:30-32; Lk 9:10

  • Provide key biblical classes meant to increase knowledge to transform the participant’s minds and orient their lives increasingly towards God and His church.

Rom 12:2; Matt 16:13-20; Jn 20:31

  • Develop close relationships with these select disciples; so, the pastors’ lives can be on display in order to be copied.

1 Pet 5:2-4 cf. Jn 13:3-17

Prayerfully Consider

If you are already serving as a ministry leader or are ready to take the next step into leading a ministry, our pastors would love to meet with you and discuss getting you plugged into our Fit 2 Lead training program.

Since this program is meant to edify Christ Community, we don’t want it to distract participants from reaching our community alongside our church. We desire to remain outward focused just as Jesus was while training His twelve. Because of that, we want to maintain a battle rhythm together that allows us to advance or pause this training whenever needed to effectively advance Christ’s conquest of this world. That being said, classes may be paused from time to time in order to meet the needs of our people and our community.

Contact Pastor Aaron Copeland, in person, or fill out the form on the Contact Us page to inquire for more details.

Next Class

Understanding and Proclaiming God’s Word

Teachers: Aaron Copeland & Cody Chester

  • Every Monday, 6:15-8pm @ the Church Office
  • Begins Monday, August 5th.

Required Texts

  • Formal Equivalency (word-for-word) Bible Translation
  • Understanding What God Said by Aaron Copeland